
Coolmuster-transfer samsung data to iphone 6/iphone 6 plus

As their intelligence platform's top machine emperor,The samsung Galaxy S4 withThe iPhone 6/iphone 6 plus Natural via is stylist elaborate design, with good quality and handle.And for which problem of product shape design is better, in fact because every man everyone look at the product's point of view is different, just as a famous saying said "one thousand people think there are one thousand Hamlet", no matter how the appearance design of any product, there will always be part of to love, just group is divided into "public" or "niche", so the appearance of a product design to be the most difficult to affirm.
Many people buy the new iPhone 6 iphone 6 plus, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5,ect, they use Samsung mobile phone before.When you buy a new iPhone 6,you may need to transfer messages from old Samsung to new iPhone directly. But different phone Platform, how to do that job?
Here, we introduce the easiest & fastest way to transfer samsung text messages to iPhone 6/Plus. With the help of Coolmuster Android Assistant or Coolmuster iPad iPhone iPod to PC Transfer which can transfer contacts, text messages, photos, videos, music etc between samsung, Android and iOS.

How to transfer Text Messages from Android Samsung to iPhone
Step 1. Launch the phone to phone transfer
Download and install the mobile phone transfer program on your computer. After running, the main window will show up, select "Phone to Phone Transfer", click "Start".
Step 2. Connect your Android and iPhone to the computer
Connect both of your Android and iPhone to the computer through USB cables and then Mobile Transfer will detect these two devices. While two devices are detect by program you can see the window show up as follow:
to begin the transfer, choose "Text messages" in the content box and click "Start Copy" button. If you want to clear all the destination phone data before copy, you can click the ''Clear data before copy''. As long as you have finish data transfer, please click "Complete".

